Monday, September 26, 2011

Back to stitching

I belong to a small group of stitchers, each Christmas we make a hand-made gift for each member.  This year we are exchanging ornaments.  I made these hearts, but was concerned that one heart would not seem much of a gift, or they might seemed a bit 'cheesy'.  So, I hope volume will make up for cheesiness!  I made thirty hearts - three for each member. 

Phew! It feels good to have a Christmas project finished - one down!

A variety of silk strips were stitch together with decorative machine stitches. Three different heart-shape patterns were used to cut the hearts, some at an angle, from the silk fabric. The heart shapes were embellished with embroidery, beads, silk ribbon and lace. A back was attached with blanket stitch and a little stuffing added. Ribbon was stitched to the back to form a hanger.


Jane said...

Wow - that's a lot of hearts, I should think they will be delighted with them.

Linda B said...

Beautiful, they will be so pleased to get them I am sure as they are certainly made with love.

Vivien said...

I 'heartily' appreciate your nice comments. With Thanks

Unknown said...

These are truly amazing. Your heart ornaments will surely be a hit on your gift giving. Its such a delight just to be able to have a glimpse on it.
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